2 Children's Picture Book Presentations 

1. 50 Wacky Things Animals Do 

2. North Carolina, the First Golden State


5 Hands-on Living History Presentations 

1. It Happened on the Oregon Trail 

2. African American Women of the Old West

3. It Happened on the Underground Railroad

4. Black Cowboys of the Old West

5. A Child’s Life out West*

* A Child’s Life out West can also be done as a day or an evening family/intergenerational literacy program. Fun for all ages from tots - teenagers - grandparents. An exciting hands-on program that unites families and promotes literacy!

How to “book” an author: Contact Tricia Martineau Wagner at: tricia@authortalk.org 

Themes from Wagner’s books that tie into classroom curriculum: 

Why invite a guest author to your school?

Classroom Creative Writing Lessons:

10 Tips to Ensure a Successful Guest Author Visit:

A WORD FROM TRICIA: My creative juices start flowing the moment I begin presenting (perhaps drawing from my experience on the stage). Being in front of a group of students brings out the best in me. It takes me back to my teaching days where I couldn’t wait to get up in the morning and get to work! I love sharing my craft of writing and bringing out the creative self in each child. I enjoy making the students feel good about themselves as they discover, “Yes, I can write!” I witness my audiences time and again have so much fun that they don’t even realize they are learning about the past and how it impacts their life today. It is profoundly rewarding to see students open one of my books and delve in to see where it takes them - from the reluctant reader/writer to the semi-confident student to the advanced reader/writer. I believe that an inspirational book in the hands of a student can change a life. 

Interested in free on-line information for teachers? Click on the “Writing Tips /Links” tab on the home page for a plethora of free information.

Recommendations from principals and teachers:

Recommendations from students:

Presentation length & pricing information:

Out-of-town Presentations:

10 Ways to Afford Inviting a Guest Author to Your School:

How to Write a Grant: